Deluxe Detangler

Detangling, applying and caring for your hair has never been this easy. Open , fill it and detangle. The hair care product locally lubricates the hair, which facilitates detangling.

Liberating tool

The Deluxe Detangler is a liberating tool that offers

  • Even distribution of hair care products
  • Easy detangling
  • Saves time

Enjoy wearing and caring for your hair.

Pre-order now

Community-led innovation

The Deluxe Detangler is a community led innovation; from the ideation to its development and that of its packaging, we engaged with 50 women with natural hair to ensured that it brings value and offers a great user experience. Sheba and her daughter Grace have been essential in this process; they have tested all our prototypes.

  • Prospera

    I use this on my daughter ... She was like, mommy, wow, that's amazing. I don't feel any pain.

  • Tayo

    It's a very innovative product and the design is great - the ways it feels and the way it works - it detangles with ease.

  • Katia

    I love this product, and I can't wait for these to be ready - I'll be buying them for me, my sister, my aunt - everybody!

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